Did You Know The Following Ten Interesting Divorce Facts?
- In the United States, the divorce rate is above 50%.
- The average divorce procedure takes about a year.
- Those individuals who live together before their marriages have higher divorce rates.
- The reasons for divorce include the following: boredom, age difference, incompatibility, sick of mind, religion, culture, adultery, abuse, poor communication, money, sexual problems, and lifestyle.
- When two people divorce, their mutual assets, and liabilities must be divided. Personal property, savings, loans, and other liabilities must also be addressed.
- Most people marry again within three (3) years after their divorces.
- The risk of entering into a divorce can be increased by one or more of the following factors: having a low annual income, having a low educational level, having no religious foundation, being a child of divorce, and marrying at a young age.
- Children living with both parents (joint custody) tend to be healthier than children of divorce living with the same custodial parent.
- Divorcing men have higher stress levels and lower productivity at work than divorcing women.
- Divorced individuals are more vulnerable to mental illnesses, heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. This is probably because of higher stress and trauma levels and the fact that often divorced persons tend to live unhealthy lifestyles.
“A divorce is like an amputation; you survive, but there’s less of you.”
–Margaret Atwood, Time Magazine, March 19, 1973
Are you surprised by any of the ten interesting divorce facts listed? If so, let us know which divorce facts shocked you the most from our top ten list. We want to hear from you — especially if you have divorce questions or need help with the process. Our family law attorneys are always open to helping people get through tough situations like divorce or custody issues. We would be glad to assist you going forward with your family law case, so please reach out to us at if we can help you along the way. (256)-859-7277
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